6 months ago
Hey y'all,
Today we're opening beta access to Sealed Variables.
Sealed Variables provide an extra layer of security. When a variable is sealed, its value is provided to builds and deployments but is never visible in the UI nor can it be retrieved via the API.
Create a new sealed variable
To create sealed variable, check the "Seal variable" option when adding a new variable.
Seal an existing variable
To seal an existing variable, click the 3-dot menu on the right-side of the variable and choose the "Seal" option.
You can read more about sealed variables on their docs page.
We'd love for you to try the feature and give us your feedback. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and what else you'd like to see from this feature.
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6 months ago
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Status changed to Open fp • 6 months ago
Status changed to Completed unicodeveloper • 19 days ago